Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mia likes getting mail

A lot has said that Mia is mini me.  She talks like I do, she screams as high as I can, she can curl her face like I could, her facial expressions and reactions are all me.  She likes fancy pens, papers, cute paper clips, stickers, notebooks and all those.  I realize I influence her a lot. Oh well, we talk, Mia and I.  We talk A LOT!  So I have to be always careful. 

But I also give credit to Elmo and Steve.  Elmo was Mia’s 1st best friend ever!
she met Elmo when she was a year and a month old
since then, they were inseparable
she even got him his own feeding bottle
Elmo Live at Tita Crissie's clinic

She started liking Blue’s Clues when she was almost 2.  She likes Steve better than Joe.

The other night, Mia went running to me holding a pink envelope with her name as the addressee.  She said, “Look mom.  Mia’s mail.”
Mia has written all over the envelope.
For as long as it's paper, expect that she will write on it,

It was really hers.  Her Ninang Tita Marix sent her her 1st real greeting card for her birthday last October.  She was so thrilled to receive a Dora birthday card.  She forgot all about it already, until the other night when she saw it again.  Now she does not want to let go.  We hear nonstop “Where’s my mail?”

Mia’s fascination with mail, and why she calls it ‘mail’ instead of cards or letters, is all because of Elmo and Steve.
elmo has mail! elmo has mail! elmo has mail!
(sorry for poor photo quality)
here's the mail it never fails
it makes me wanna wag my tail
when it comes I wanna wail

This one she got from Ninang Pam, also for her birthday.

So Dora, in her torn pink envelope, went to Kindermusik and to Papa’s house with us yesterday.  And just before going to bed, Mia asked me “Mom, where’s my mail?”

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